Magical Experiments

The Public Records of a Private Group of Magicians

Valentine Green plate representing life and death female ca. 1770.
Engraving of a female by Valentine Green. The illustration represents the idea that life, with all its frivolity and distractions will inevitably end in death. ca. 1770. (Image from Public Domain Review.)

The “Magical Experiments” section of this metafictional novel records some of the magical experiments conducted by the four practicing sex magicians who are behind this blog.

The Western Ceremonial magical tradition has a heavy interest in scientific methodology. Magicians (also called magi, practitioners, etc.) conduct what we call “Experiments” and attempt to record observations of possible magical or spiritual events in their magical journals. Different magical societies teach different methods of record keeping.

The following are some results of experiments run by a small collection of friends who nicknamed themselves “Magical Fight Club.”

Click on a Link Below to View a Category of Our Ongoing Magical Experiments

Valentine Green plate representing life and death female ca. 1770.
Engraving of a male by Valentine Green, illustrating the idea that life will end in death. The finery of both the male and female figures represents physical distractions from death's inevitability. , ca. 1770 (Image from Public Domain Review)

Types of Magical Experiments

The following categories are static pages relating to various types of experiments that Magical Fight Club records. Additional posts will be added as time goes on.