The Games

Turning Video Games into a Ritual Magik Focuses

About the Guides

The following modding guides are intended to create dynamic playthroughs of video games that reflect actual practices and philosophies of magic and psychicism.  Skyrim SAE and Sims 4 (both available through Steam) is to create playthroughs that reflect actual philosophies in the study of magik and psychicism. All guides use adult content and are designed with the principles sex magic in mind.

Skyrim: Special Edition

About the Game

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an open-world fantasy action role-playing game set in a vast medieval-like land called Skyrim. The world environment encompasses untamed wilderness, enigmatic dungeons, concealed caves, thriving cities, picturesque towns, imposing fortifications, and charming villages, inviting players to explore and discover its diverse landscapes that range from fields to snowy mountains.

The game world is populated by non-player characters (NPCs). Gamers can interact with them through conversations that can potentially trigger new quests or reveal hidden locations on the map. Players can also choose to marry specific NPCs or engage them in combat, which can be either lethal or nonlethal.

About the Modding Guide

This guide alters the original Skyrim landscape a tropical paradise filled with additional plants, ruins, and large fantasy architecture in and around the expanded cities and towns. The earth (our earth) can be seen in the vibrant night sky.

The world of Skyrim is filled with mild to moderate BDSM adventures. The game includes sexually oriented quests and objects. Battles can be won through sexual skill. Towns include ambient sex slaves and brothels. Appearance NPCs and clothing are kinkified, including specialized toys and gear.

Sims 4

About the Game

Modding Magicians: A Disclaimer

Our goal in modding both Skyrim SAE and Sims 4 (both available through Steam) is to create playthroughs that reflect actual philosophies in the study of magik and psychicism.

The authors of Magik Gamers are Western Ceremonial magick practioners and do not claim to be modding or technical experts.

While we work to stay up to date with changes in the modding community, we do not claim the history or technological expertise of mod authors and of other long-standing modding guides.

For a more complete discussion of the magical principles and philosophies behind the mod choices of this guide, please see The Magik section of this metafictional novel. 

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or issues you have with this guide.

For complete, up-to-date modding guides and assistance, see the Additional Modding Resources pages for each guide.